Mar 14, 2021
Why So Serious, Jesus?
Series: Crazy Love
In today's Gospel reading, Jesus doesn't look much like the loving Savior we think of. He's flipping tables, driving out animals, shouting, and wielding a whip! Yet, although it might not look like it, Jesus is acting out of love! Love that protects from harm and danger. 
  • Mar 14, 2021Why So Serious, Jesus?
    Mar 14, 2021
    Why So Serious, Jesus?
    Series: Crazy Love
    In today's Gospel reading, Jesus doesn't look much like the loving Savior we think of. He's flipping tables, driving out animals, shouting, and wielding a whip! Yet, although it might not look like it, Jesus is acting out of love! Love that protects from harm and danger. 
  • Mar 10, 2021Hands of Hypocrisy (Caiaphas)
    Mar 10, 2021
    Hands of Hypocrisy (Caiaphas)
  • Mar 7, 2021Jesus–For All
    Mar 7, 2021
    Jesus–For All
    Series: Crazy Love
    Some people argue that the church divides people more than it unites them. But God's Word today shows us that it's only the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior that unites literally every single person together as one. The Gospel is the message for all people, because Jesus is the Savior of all people! 
  • Mar 3, 2021Hands of Misguided Zeal (Peter)
    Mar 3, 2021
    Hands of Misguided Zeal (Peter)
    Pastor Newlin Schafer Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-- Orange Park, FL
    Midweek Lent 3 (3/3/21)
    Sermon Series: Hands of the Passion
    Service Theme: Hands of Misguided Zeal (Peter)
    Sermon Text: John 18:4-11
  • Feb 28, 2021The Dear Cross
    Feb 28, 2021
    The Dear Cross
    Series: Crazy Love
    There's an old German theological phrase, "Das Liebe Kreuz" which means "The Dear Cross." While Christians can understand why Jesus' cross is dear to us, the phrase isn't just talking about Jesus' cross, but the crosses that we bear as Christians too! How can suffering for our faith, and suffering in general be something "dear" to us, when we're always trying to alleviate or eradicate suffering from our lives? Hear Jesus' words, as he reminds us why the cross isn't just a necessity, but a blessing! 
  • Feb 24, 2021Hands of Betrayal
    Feb 24, 2021
    Hands of Betrayal
    Have you ever wondered how Judas went from being a disciple of Jesus to the one who's the poster boy of betrayal? Is it possible that the same thing could happen to you? Let's look at the life of Judas as a warning about the dangers of unrepentant sin, and as a reminder of God's grace.
  • Feb 21, 2021Why Would God Do That?
    Feb 21, 2021
    Why Would God Do That?
    Series: Crazy Love
    Why would God do that? It seems so unlike the God of grace, mercy, and love that we know to make such a heinous command to one of his most faithful followers! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon to see what God's command to Abraham to sacrifice his one and only son is really all about, and to see how this Bible account is chocked full of meaning for your life and eternity!
  • Feb 17, 2021A Tale of Two Sinners (Ash Wednesday)
    Feb 17, 2021
    A Tale of Two Sinners (Ash Wednesday)
    What someone does with their hands tells you a lot about their intentions and actions. In the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, what they do with their hands tells us a lot about their hearts! Watch this Ash Wednesday sermon to be reminded what it looks like to have hands of repentance!
  • Feb 14, 2021A Mountaintop Experience for the Days in the Valley (Transfiguration)
    Feb 14, 2021
    A Mountaintop Experience for the Days in the Valley (Transfiguration)
    Series: Prove It!
    What does the Transfiguration of Jesus have to do with us? That mountaintop experience can fill us with comfort and peace, even when we've left the mountaintop and gone down into the darkest of valleys. 
  • Feb 7, 2021Jesus Gets Personal
    Feb 7, 2021
    Jesus Gets Personal
    Series: Prove It!
    Does God care about you personally? Or is he like a clockmaker, who crafted and created the world, then just steps back and lets the world work itself out without any interaction or intervention on our behalf? Things like sickness, struggle, and suffering make it seem like that. But in today's sermon, we'll see how God uses even sickness, suffering, and struggle as means to show his personal love for each and every person!