Apr 1, 2021
Making a Good Meal Even Better (Maundy Thursday)
What does it take for you to make a good meal a great meal? On Maundy Thursday, we look at two special meals that God insitituted for his people to eat: The Passover Meal, and the Lord's Supper, so we can see how God takes a good meal, and makes it even better!
  • Apr 1, 2021Making a Good Meal Even Better (Maundy Thursday)
    Apr 1, 2021
    Making a Good Meal Even Better (Maundy Thursday)
    What does it take for you to make a good meal a great meal? On Maundy Thursday, we look at two special meals that God insitituted for his people to eat: The Passover Meal, and the Lord's Supper, so we can see how God takes a good meal, and makes it even better!