Oct 24, 2021
The Solution to Suffering: Does God Care?
After everything Job had gone through--the loss of his wealth and family and physical health; after his own friends accused him of doing something wrong; Job wondered if God really cared about him. Or if God was maybe his enemy. But then...God speaks! When life is hard, we might be tempted to ask the same question. Does God really care about you? Listen to God speaking, and reminding you of why you can know with absolute certainty that God cares about you more than anything in this world! 
  • Oct 24, 2021The Solution to Suffering: Does God Care?
    Oct 24, 2021
    The Solution to Suffering: Does God Care?
    After everything Job had gone through--the loss of his wealth and family and physical health; after his own friends accused him of doing something wrong; Job wondered if God really cared about him. Or if God was maybe his enemy. But then...God speaks! When life is hard, we might be tempted to ask the same question. Does God really care about you? Listen to God speaking, and reminding you of why you can know with absolute certainty that God cares about you more than anything in this world! 
  • Oct 17, 2021The Solution to Suffering: Is God Punishing Me?
    Oct 17, 2021
    The Solution to Suffering: Is God Punishing Me?
    Because we often view justice through the lenses of "karma," it's easy to assume that when we face suffering or hardship in our lives, that's God's way of punishing us for our sins, and enacting his justice. But the life of Job shows us that hardship isn't God's way of punishing us for sin. That punishment has already been paid...by another! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Is God Punishing Me?" to see the Solution to Suffering! 
  • Oct 10, 2021The Solution to Suffering: Why Me?
    Oct 10, 2021
    The Solution to Suffering: Why Me?
    Why would a good, loving, just God allow suffering in people's lives? Especially Christians, whom God has called to be his own! Why does God allow suffering in the lives of his own people, especially seemingly good people--people like Job, or like Horatio Spafford. Today, we look to the book of Job to answer the question, "Why Me?"