Jan 22, 2023
Catch of the Day
What does it mean that Jesus is called "The Light in the Darkness?" And what does it have to do with some uneducated fishermen...and us? Watch Pastor Phil's sermon, "Catch of the Day" to find out! 
  • Jan 22, 2023Catch of the Day
    Jan 22, 2023
    Catch of the Day
    What does it mean that Jesus is called "The Light in the Darkness?" And what does it have to do with some uneducated fishermen...and us? Watch Pastor Phil's sermon, "Catch of the Day" to find out! 
  • Jan 15, 2023Look, the Lamb of God!
    Jan 15, 2023
    Look, the Lamb of God!
    Why do people refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God? If Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world, doesn't it seem like he should have a title based on an animal that's a little more wise, swift, or powerful than cute, wooly, little lambs? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Look, the Lamb of God!" to see why that title for Jesus is so meaningful for our lives, and our eternity!
  • Jan 8, 2023United by the Anointed
    Jan 8, 2023
    United by the Anointed
    When people are different from each other, it often leads to separation, if not outright animosity. So what can possible unite people who are divided? Well, what was it that united the Jews and Gentiles together? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon to hear the Apostle Peter share the truth, that all people are united--by the Anointed One!